Live bee removal can sometimes be challenging. In the past, we have written several blogs about the hazards of live bee removal. Although we are usually able to remove most swarms alive, there are several instances where live removal is not recommended. This blog, however, is different. This blog is all about the jobs that should only be done live. Below are the three most common bee removal jobs that are best performed live.

Koi in a pond
Koi Ponds & Aquatics- Ponds and water features often draw bees from nearby hives. Most of the time the bees are there to forage for water. Every now and then, however, a swarm will set up a hive near a pond or other aquatic habitation. If the bees or hive are on the exterior and easy to reach, live removal is usually not a problem. If, however, the bees have taken refuge in the ground, rocks, or knothole of a tree, it can often be a tricky situation to resolve. So why is it important to choose live removal? The main reason is that most pesticides labelled for bees are extremely toxic to fish. Any runoff of water or drift from sprayed surfaces can carry residue into the pond. This runoff will devastate and kill the fish and aquatic life in the pond.

Organic Garden and flowers
Organic gardens – Everyone wants the food we serve to our families to be safe and healthy. The more we learn about chemical herbicides and pesticides, the more we realize that we must learn to protect ourselves from them. Most people either shop for organic produce or they take the extra time to thoroughly wash the produce. Some fortunate people are able to go the extra mile and grow their own produce. But what if your garden is suddenly invaded by bees? If the bees or hive are easily reached, live removal is always the way to go. Spraying pesticides near an organic garden defeats the purpose of an organic garden.

Owl Box in Tree
Bird & Owl Boxes – Lots of people put up bird and owl boxes in the hopes of attracting them to their property. What a lot of these people don’t realize is that there is also a really good chance that bees will decide to make it their home. Sometimes, the bees will literally push out the birds and owls from the box they are inhabiting. So now there is a dilemma. How do you remove the bees without harming the birds? If the bees are not too aggressive, the best option is a live removal using a specialized bee vacuum. If the bees are aggressive, this can be more of a challenge….but live removal is always preferable for the safety of the birds.