Every now and then I will get a call from a customer who asks “Is it illegal to kill bees in California?”. Usually they ask because another bee or pest control company has told them it is illegal to kill bees in California. This always surprises me because the answer to that question is not as simple as one might think. The answer always depends on where the bees are located and what they are doing.

So when is it legal and when is it illegal?

In order to legally exterminate bees, there needs to be a swarm or hive that can be removed or eliminated. You can not just “broadcast spray” bees that are foraging for water, food, or scouting. If bees are simply doing what they do (foraging and scouting) and there is no hive or swarm, it is illegal for a pest control company to spray them. Examples of situations where it is illegal to kill bees are:

  1. When they are foraging for water in your swimming pool
  2. When they are foraging for food on your bird feeder or when you BBQ
  3. When they are pollinating trees and bushes
  4. When they are scouting for a new location to set up a hive


The only time a pest control company can legally exterminate bees is if there is a swarm or hive. Ideally the pest control company will remove them alive and relocate the colony. That is the best solution for all. If a hive needs to be exterminated it is usually because the bees are aggressive (africanized), or they are located inside an area that may or may not be safely accessible. Human safety is always the number one priority when deciding on whether a live removal is possible.

We all know that killing bees is never an ideal way to handle a bee problem. Humane, live bee removal with relocation of the bees is always preferred. Unfortunately there are many situations where it’s not safe or even possible to do so.