In previous blogs, we have discussed how fortunate we at Bee Best Bee Removal are to network with people that allow us to place bee swarms on their land. The host family we network with has more than 40+ acres of land in unincorporated El Cajon. It is on this land that we take bees swarms that are removed from other properties. We have been taking our bees there for many years. We call it the bee farm, but really it is more of a bee clinic.

Audiva, Beekeeper
This year we had the pleasure of hiring a new employee to help the host family manage the bees at the bee farm. It is with great pleasure that we announce our newest member, beekeeper Audiva. Audiva has been interested in bees since she was a child. “I loved to watch bees buzzing and foraging from flower to flower.” She explains, “Even as a child, I had the inquisitive and curious nature of a scientist.”
Her passion for bees comes primarily from her interest in aiding the bees from dangers that threaten the species. She explains that the main reason she began beekeeping stemmed from her desire to “help out with the collapse of the honey bee population”. In addition to being an active member of the San Diego Beekeeping Society, Audiva has also managed her own registered bee hive (at her home) for the past 4 years.
As mentioned before, Audiva has been brought on board to help manage the colonies at the bee farm. In addition to transporting the bees to the farm, Audiva is also responsible for the following:
- Creating and maintaining a safe and functional bee farm.
- Performing weekly hive inspections.
- Feeding and watering the colonies.
- Re Queening the new colonies to ensure reduced aggression.
- Acts as a liaison with the host family in managing the bees.
- Purchasing equipment and materials to help maintain the hives.
- Represents the company by attending monthly Beekeeping Society meetings.
Audiva earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Vermont. She majored in Biological Sciences with a focus on microbiology and molecular genetics. To keep her mind fresh, she recently took a few science classes at the local community college in San Diego. In addition to working as a beekeeper, Audiva also works as a Lab Analyst for an environmental company that tests for contaminates in drinking and waste water.
We at Bee Best Bee removal are excited about the addition of Audiva to our team. If you happen to see her at the next Beekeeping Society meeting, be sure to introduce yourself. Audiva is passionate about sharing her knowledge and looks forward to networking with others involved in the beekeeping community. Always eager to learn, Audiva appreciates any advice and recommendations she receives about bees.